Until now.
Even my most difficult summers weren't really that bad. I still managed to get time off and had time to lounge around and do the things I wanted to do. But this summer is a complete 180 from my last. I went from working 10 hours a week and doing 4 hours of school/homework to working 50+ hours a week with hardly any time to myself.
The last two weeks have been so frustrating and I realized that it's been constant work work work. To go from such a relaxing summer to working everyday, it's been quite the adjustment and I'm not sure I'm doing it very well. Today, however, was great. I gave a quick morning tour and was off to a Rockies game with my Pops. Afterwards the folks and I went to dinner and came home to relax and watch a few movies before bed.
I'm hoping that things get a little bit more under control with the wedding season and that I can grab some more fun time and not get burnt out on weddings. (However, I am enjoying all the opportunities to get better at photography!)
Y'know, just setting your attitude meter towards positive helps a lot. Good for you!